Open Positions

Postdoctoral Fellows

The Sinton group welcomes applications from PDF candidates interested in the development of next-generation CO2 capture, CO2 conversion, reactive capture systems and/or accelerated material discovery. We currently have several open positions available in CO2 conversion, CO2 capture, and scaling.


The Sinton Group welcomes applications from students interested in energy and fluids, and particularly in electrochemical CO2 capture, conversion, reactive capture, industrial fluids and/or accelerated discovery. Prof. Sinton is cross-appointed in the Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, and so welcomes applications from students from this department, in addition to the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering.

How to apply: 

  • The application package should include:

    • A cover letter describing your interest and qualifications

    • Your CV

    • Contact information for 3 referees who have confirmed that they are willing to supply letters of reference upon request

  • Combine items above into a single PDF file, named: “Givenname-Familyname-Student_Application-YYYY-MM-DD.pdf”

  • Email your application to Jeannie Ing (, with the subject line, “Student Application”.